Sleep Consulting
If there is one thing I’ve realized over the years, it’s that you can’t work with babies without getting asked about sleep!
Finding what works for you.
Very quickly into my doula journey, I too became very interested in infant and toddler sleep. There is so much information out there on different approaches to improve sleep and the science of sleep. And I can assure you, I have read everything I could get my hands on about this topic! There are different philosophies and science you can find that supports all different approaches, and people from all sides who will say you are doing it all wrong. My approach is to ask families: What is working for you? What is working for your baby? Trust what you feel in your gut and find what works for your family.
I do Sleep Consulting for Infants 4 months and older. Before this age, I do consults as well, but it looks a little different.